Wyatt Wukie
- May 9, 2019
Yom Haatzmaut
Wyatt, Joey & Olivia celebrated Israel's Independence day at the JCC, providing a fun & upbeat atmosphere. The gym area was designated...
Wyatt Wukie
- Feb 8, 2019
Hopewell Afterschool Dance
Wyatt entertained the students at Hopewell school for their after school dance on February 8th. We have worked with Hopewell for many...
Joey DePrizio
- Feb 5, 2019
Fox & Hound
Joey spent the evening rocking the crowd at Fox & Hound in Mason on February 5th, 2019. Everyone had had a great time, enjoying Joey's...
- Jul 16, 2017
Joe & Madison
Since before dinner started, everyone was itching to get on the floor. Once it opened up no one ever got off! What an awesome group and a...